RX for SurvivalA Global Health Challenge was a 6-part television series and multi-media blitz aimed to not only bring awareness to global health issues but turn passive audiences into active participants of positive change. The programming presented historical perspective, as well present-day and future health challenges facing humanity.

As senior lead designer at WGBH, I was responsible for managing and overseeing the campaign’s visual identity. I saw to it that all marketing and other collateral appropriately applied and consistently adhered to given style and branding guidelines.

I art-directed, designed and/or oversaw the production of a multitude of projects generated to promote, educate and engage press and audiences.

RX for Survival: Multimedia and Impact Campaign Components


Beyond broadcast, the campaign, called Rx for Child Survival, invited audiences and influencers to learn/do more by offering ways to become more involved in improving the health of children around the globe. It promoted public participation in child survival solutions, such as speaking out, volunteering time and donating resources.

Powerpoint Deck

Major funding for Rx for Survival—A Global Health Challenge™ was provided by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and The Merck Company Foundation.

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